Thirty-five percent oppose such early release from prison.Expanding job training for prisoners is supported by 88 percent and opposed by 9 percent.Increased use of treatment programs and of alternatives to jail for offenders with drug or alcohol issues is supported by 78 percent and opposed by 16 percent.Increased state spending for prosecutors and public defenders is supported by 50 percent, with 37 percent opposing a spending increase.State of the stateFifty-two percent of respondents say the state is headed in the right direction, while 40 percent say it is off on the wrong track. The allocation does raise Biden to 50% and Trump to 45%, while Jorgensen remains at 2 percent. Tony Evers' approval rating has dropped below 50% as the first-term Democrat continues to butt heads with the Republican-controlled Legislature. March-October 2020, Supreme Court nomination and upcoming Affordable Care Act case. Table 21: Favorable or unfavorable view of Black Lives Matter movement, June-October 2020, Approval of Evers’ job performance and handling of coronavirus. His disapproval also went up, hitting 37 percent in April, up from 22 percent in January. The vote margins may be sensitive to assumptions about turnout. Table 12: Approve or disapprove of Trump’s handling of protests, June-October 2020. The Marquette poll showed Evers had his highest approval ratings since he took office last year, 65%, up from 51% in February. Republicans are divided on the issue, while a large majority of independents support requiring masks and Democrats are almost unanimous in support. This poll interviewed 806 registered Wisconsin voters by landline or cell phone, Oct. 21-25, 2020. Marquette Lawyer Magazine, New Marquette Law School Poll finds Biden lead over Trump stable at five percentage points, Amid major national developments, new Marquette Law School Poll finds Wisconsin voter preferences holding steady in presidential race, Detailed Results of the Marquette Law School Poll, October 21 – 25, 2020, Detailed Results of the Marquette Law School Poll, September 30 – October 4, 2020, Detailed results of the Marquette law school supreme court poll- September 8-15, 2020, part 4 (Decisions), Wedge Issues podcast: Charles Franklin on polls, partisanship and public opinion, The Red and the Blue: Political Polarization Through the Prism of Metropolitan Milwaukee. MILWAUKEE – A new Marquette Law School poll of likely Wisconsin voters finds little change in preference or attitudes following the first presidential debate and after President Donald Trump tested positive for COVID-19. More Wisconsinites also approve of President Donald Trump's job performance now than at any point this year. Table 13: Approve or disapprove of Trump’s handling of the economy, March-October 2020. The trend since March is shown in Table 10. There was little change in reported financial situation from September to October. The half-sample items are listed at the end of this release. Tony Evers’ handling of the virus has declined since March; 64% approve and 32% disapprove. In an early-October 2018 poll, 38 percent said it would be worth the cost and 48 percent said it would not be worth it.Criminal justice issuesForty-nine percent support raising the age at which defendants are considered adults in criminal cases from 17 to 18, while 45 percent oppose increasing the age. Judge Amy Coney Barrett has been nominated to fill the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court created by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. As of October, 44% approve and 52% disapprove. Among Republicans, 7% say they are voting for Biden, while 86% are voting for Trump, 3% for Jorgensen and 4% undecided or declining to say. Fifteen percent say they don’t have an opinion. Another 7% say they will vote for none of these candidates, don’t know how they will vote or declined to say. Forty-one percent support a freeze on the number of students in voucher schools and a suspension of new independent charter schools, while 46 percent are opposed.Seventy percent say the state should accept federal funds to expand Medicaid coverage, while 23 percent oppose the expansion.More respondents prefer to keep gas taxes and registration fees at the current level (57 percent) than support increasing the gas tax and fees in order to increase spending on roads and highways (39 percent).Support for an increase in the minimum wage stands at 57 percent, with 38 percent opposing an increase.Opinion has recently fluctuated concerning Foxconn. The full trends for favorability of Trump and Biden are shown in Tables 6 and 7. Fifty-six percent say this describes Biden and 40% say this does not describe him. The sample included 805 registered voters in Wisconsin, interviewed by cell phone or landline, with a margin of error of +/- 4.2 percentage points. Table 23: Vote by ballot type by poll wave, May-October 2020. Partisanship excluding those who lean has been 30% Republican and 29% Democratic, with 40% independent. Gov. The full trend is shown in Table 17. A plurality, 47%, think the Big Ten conference and University of Wisconsin—Madison should play football this fall, while 40% think they should not play. A substantial 37% say they don’t know how serious Trump’s illness is. Tony Evers (D) is doing his job, up 14 points in … Approval is 3 points higher than in early October, with no change in disapproval. Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers speaks at a news conference in Kenosha on August 27. Respondents were asked for each candidate if that person would be a top choice, an acceptable choice, someone they would not support, or if they haven’t heard enough about the candidate yet.Table 1: Support for Democratic candidates, in order of “a top choice”, The January poll asked about eight of these candidates. This appears to be noisy sampling variation. Capital Times, The Red and the Blue: Political Polarization Through the Prism of Metropolitan Milwaukee Gov. Less than a half of 1% say both candidates did well. Budget would boost school funding, direct funds to small businesses, repeal part of Act 10 and legalize marijuana, but faces an uphill battle. By Benjamin Yount for March-October 2020. Table 5: When do you think the coronavirus outbreak will be under control and things can get back to normal? Table 3: Vote for likely voters and allocated vote, respectively. Asked about the vice-presidential candidates, all following the announcement of Trump’s illness, 33% say they are very confident and 23% are somewhat confident in Vice President Mike Pence’s ability to perform the duties of president, while 12% are not very confident and 21% are not at all confident. Evers’ handling of the coronavirus issue brings approval from 56% and disapproval from 38%. Views of the direction of the economy have turned sharply down since February, with many more people saying the economy has gotten worse over the past year. Table 11: Favorable or unfavorable view of Trump, January-October 2020, Table 12: Favorable or unfavorable view of Biden, January-October 2020. An effort to recall Governor Tony Evers is underway. A third of respondents think Trump has mild symptoms from COVID-19, while slightly more say they don’t yet know how ill he is. While the allocation reduced the undecided, refused and other categories, it does not change the margin, which remains 5 points in favor of Biden. Table 1: Vote among likely voters, May-October 2020. There are 749 likely voters, with a margin of error of +/- 4.4 percentage points. Table 24: Is there anyone you have stopped talking with about politics due to disagreements over the election for president? Partisan divides are vivid in new Law School Poll results, Wedge Issues podcast: Charles Franklin on polls, partisanship and public opinion Handling of the economy remains Trump’s strongest area of approval, with 51% approval and 45% disapproval in October. The vice-presidential candidates are less familiar to respondents, with 10% unable to give a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Vice President Mike Pence and 13% unable to give an opinion of Sen. Kamala Harris. Table 18: Vote to confirm Barrett to the Supreme Court by party identification, October 2020. Since June, the percent who are very worried has fluctuated, seemingly in line with periods of increasing or decreasing numbers of new cases of COVID-19 in the state, while the number of those not at all worried has stabilized close to 20%. After three months in office, Gov. By party identification. Over a third say they’ve stopped talking about politics with someone, and this varies by political party. This is the first time since January 2019, when the legislature’s job approval was first asked, that more disapprove than approve. Handling of the economy remains Trumps strongest area of approval, with 51% approval and 48% disapproval in the new poll, a 3-point increase in disapproval. On Monday, Oct. 26, the Senate confirmed the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to fill the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court created by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. There have been changes in the preferred type of ballot since May, with a smaller percentage in each partisan category choosing absentee by mail, though large partisan differences persist, as shown in Table 22. The full trends for both Trump and Biden are shown in Tables 11 and 12. In this poll, the 18-29-year-old sample is more Republican and more likely to vote for Trump than has typically been the case. Forty percent approve of the way Gov. ... Recall Tony Evers and created that group the night he won the election. Evers' handling of the coronavirus crisis appears to have had negative effects on his approval and disapproval ratings. Evers' job approval increased to 47 percent in April, up from 39 percent in January. Eighty percent of Trump voters expect him to win and 11% expect Biden to win. Table 24: Wisconsin legislature’s job approval. Tony Evers, more people say they don’t like him. Among likely voters, 91% say their minds are made up while 6% say they might change their minds.

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