I got rid of the trigger. A great fish! Triggerfish are a family of marine fish comprised of roughly 40 distinct species. Unlike the other triggerfish species, these triggerfish are friendly and peaceful towards their tankmates. Additionally, if you want to house more than one triggerfish together, then it’s a good idea to add them to your tank at the same time. As you can see, it has a large Honeycomb (Tessellatedq) Moray Eel (adult coloring in the jar next to it) which is an appropriate tank mate (near the end of the video. Niger Triggerfish can be easily kept with a whole range of other fish species, which makes them an excellent addition to a non-invertebrate community tank. Thing was a tank, and could hold its own against even eels. While there are no hard-set rules on what you can put together in a tank, having an idea of which fish will compete with each other for food and even position in the tank can go a long way in taking care of clownfish and ensuring a peaceful fish tank. *FREE SHIPPING on qualifying aquatic life orders $149 and up. Though not glamorous, he is a pretty fish. He is in a 90 gallon reef and gets along with 2 Cinnamon Clowns, Yellow Tang, 2 Blue Damsels, with numerous softies and 3 anemones. In the wild this fish is solitary outside the harem of females it will occasionally meet with during the breeding season. They live in a 250g with another 60 or so gallons of water volume in the sump. Blueline Triggerfish. A 75 gallon tank minimum … The Niger triggerfish for sale is a beautiful fish that can look a little different depending on mood. When you are thinking of your upgrade, which will have to be sooner rather than later, keep in mind the Niger needs 180g. Ocean Creatures. My Niger Trigger is very sweet. Humu Triggefish. The Clown Trigger and Blue Line fall while quite aggressive, are still a bit more social that the Queen, and if acquired small can live quite comfortably in a 55 or 70 gallon tank for some time before a larger tank … by Brian Dunat. (He was very tiny anyways so I expected it). However, keep in mind that niger triggerfish grow quite large - up to 20 inches (51 cm) in length so you'll need a large aquarium for them. Within ten minutes the chromis had been swallowed. With turtles in it? My Niger Triggerfish is always swimming out in the open. Spawning and biparental care. Learn more facts with this guide. One thing about this Trigger that alarmed me at first was his tendency to lie on the bottom of the tank, usually leaning against a rock. Usually, the Niger triggerfish has a completely blue body. So you can keep more than just one redtoothed triggerfish as long as they are added as juveniles at the same time. The other fish pushed him around a little so he could figure out the pecking order and after a day or so, everything was and has been fine. (He was very tiny anyways so I expected it). Copyright © 2021, LiveAquaria®. Triggerfish are highly territorial and their teeth can cause serious injuries to careless aquarists. Although this cannot be said for all Niger Triggers, he doesn't even bother the inverts. Temperament: aggressive; Reef compatible: no; Crosshatch Triggerfish (Xanthichthys mento) It sure is. Of the four, only O.niger generally makes a good tank mate over the long term when kept with other fish, while the enormous size and aggression displayed by the Queen Triggers makes long term cohabitation with other fish all but impossible. Triggerfish reach an average size of six to ten inches in the home aquarium and often become very aggressive toward the same species and other tank mates.They are very hardy specimens that adapt well to aquarium life if provided with a large tank and plenty of hiding places. Tank Recommendations: Niger Triggerfish grow to be 12 inches in the wild, slightly smaller in the aquarium, so we recommend housing in an aquarium of … If you droped the eel, you would have more options. Within ten minutes the chromis had been swallowed. I would not keep a dwarf angel of any kind in less than a 75g, maybe a Pygmy like a Cherub or Flameback, but even that is pushing it, Please support our sponsors and let them know you heard about them on AquariumAdvice.com, Aquarium Advice - Aquarium Forum Community. He and my Rectangular Trigger swim around the tank together, and even sleep in the same hole! Maybe a spotted Hawkfish or one of the agressive Hawks that are okay in smaller tanks. The other triggers they can be kept with and only in a much larger tank are the Pinktail Triggerfish (Melichthys vidua), Niger Triggerfish (Odonus niger) and the Scythe Triggerfish (Sufflamen bursa). He is pretty peaceful and doesn't bother the inverts. The list is long but i would recommend displacing the trigger and rearranging rock work/decorations. Without the eel, you could go with the clown or the damsel, a toby puffer (or even two from different species), many dwarf angels, and a variety of wrasses, and some hogfish. He is always full of life and loves to eat anything that is dropped into the tank. Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 1" to 2"; Medium: 2" to 3"; Medium/Large: 3" to 4"; Large: 4" to 5"; X Large: 5" to 7". The Niger Trigger or Redtooth Trigger is a striking fish for the home aquarium. It's when you get up there past that they mind. Triggerfish are very hardy specimens that adapt well to aquarium life if provided with a large tank and ample hiding places. the 55 will only be for probably a year no more then 2 and the FOWLR tank will be atleast a 125. At first, my Niger was very shy, almost too shy. This fish can however sometimes display green color as well. They will usually get along with most semi-aggressive or even peaceful tank mates of a relatively similar size. I have had a niger trigger for about two months now. My Niger Trigger is 6 inches long and likes to swim from one end of the tank to the other. Be very careful about adding this fish because they may not seem very aggressive at first but they really can be. Triggerfish prey heavily on various species of crustaceans, mollusks and sea urchins and should not be kept in reef aquariums. By far the best reef tank inhabitant I've had in my 15 years in the hobby. Common name(s): Niger Triggerfish, Red-toothed Triggerfish, Black Trigger. Underwater Life. In this section we will cover Angelfish tank mates, the answer to the question of "what can go with Angelfish" is often quite surprising and the variety of fish available, not only in my store but in any good fish store, means that the hobbyist can revive that ‘kid in a candy store’ feeling that we all have when stocking a new tank or adding to an already established aquarium. Great fish to watch and will feed from your hand. Hope this helps. The Niger trigger fish will look a little different depending on mood. Care: The Niger Triggerfish is a hardy peaceful marine fish great for beginners that can afford/sustain a large tank. How many times have you walked into a fish store, seen a triggerfish and thought it would be a cool fish to add to the aquarium? Niger trigger tank mates. Triggerfish are not reef tank safe but they are beautiful and will work well with the right tank mates. He is also least picky with his food. He lasted about 5 minutes then he sold. You will at least need a 70-80 gallon tank to house one because they need room to move, grow, and keep safe. Triggerfish are very hardy specimens that adapt well to aquarium life if provided with a large tank and ample hiding places. Experience and a few casualties have taught me to let a significant amount of time go by before believing the fish is a good fit. The Niger Trigger’s colors can look quite different depending on the lights they are under. Usually the Niger trigger has a … Triggerfish reach an average size of six to ten inches in the home aquarium and often become very aggressive toward the same species and other tank mates. I have in and picked up a yellow tang and a chromis. He is an awesome fish with tons of personality. You'll need at least a 70-80 gallon tank to house one and preferably a larger tank. ' The Niger Triggerfish requires a 75 gallon or larger aquarium with rocks and caves for hiding, and may rearrange the landscaping and rocks. The Undulate Triggerfish is a very hardy species, that can be kept by beginning hobbyists, assuming they have a large enough aquarium (min 55 to 70 gallons) and are aware that of the extremely aggressive nature of this fish towards other tank mates. Currently I have a 30g tank, soon going up to a 55+ gallon. Only a sadist would introduce an undulated trigger in anything other than a very large tank with very careful consideration of any tank mates. It's good to have a fish that cleans up all the leftovers. Triggerfish reach an average size of six to ten inches in the home aquarium and often become very aggressive toward the same species and other tank mates. They are characterized by their rhomboid shaped, laterally compressed bodies and comparatively large heads. Triggerfish are a family of marine fish comprised of roughly 40 distinct species. This is one triggerfish that causes few problems in the reef aquarium.

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