Intense is the word that best describes Scorpio. Give him your undivided attention and show him that you understand his feelings and that you are going to stick with him until he sorts it out. If a relationship with you is a yoga class, then a relationship with a Scorpio is a three-hour CrossFit workout. Beginning A Relationship With Someone You’re Obsessed With, Sign up to be notified when the blog updates, Get updates in digest form (3 emails per week). It's known for a fact that Scorpios can be a jealous bunch, and people with their Venus in this sign are no different. If intrigued, he or she will observe closely, in many situations, before taking a chance on love. You wont see him watching anything on films/or read anything that is pertaining on disloyalty. it was her destiny. Venus in Scorpio shimmers with an intense mojo. It was hard to break free because of the intensity. You are a Feminine, Water Sign. Now I'm seeing a Sagittarius sun/scorp venus conjunct pluto and he's very intense but sweet. I think it’s erroneous to say that you can handle Venus in Scorpio because you run deep. If Scorpio is willing to give 100% they have a reasonable expectation their partner would do the same. However, time does help immensely, especially if they stay away from the object of obsession. Tell him your secrets– they are safe with him! Pretty textbook Astro! My goodness I dated a venus in scorpio man and when we broke up he tried to financially ruin me. It's like dating a C… Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read them. I don’t mind Scorpio –they all fall in my 4th. When they love, they do so with their entire soul, they honestly want to crawl inside your body and wear your skin, OK? Sometimes people want a free ride, the benefits without the cost. For me that VIS guy was a pita from the beginning and then he had secrets talk about an all around ice cream sundae ? I think one part of your response which spoke deeply to me, is how Scorpio is about extremes. I just realized this is what I do in relationships if I can’t get through. Also, he’s a sexual maniac who just can’t sate his insatiable lust for physical contact. My Scorpio ascendant appeals to the Scorpio in him and his Gemini ascendant appeals to the Gemini in me. Venus in Scorpio men sometimes find it hard to show their feelings and it is this mysterious nature that is a big part of their allure that makes them so appealing. but he will see what i’m watching and he was appalled and got really really angry that a woman would do that. I got in touch with him and he confessed his love and apoligized offering me things to make me happy. I think I understand what you mean about scorpio moons as well. Light treatment of deep topics – not rare! Frar of loosing partners? Because of this, they have a hard time, intimately speaking, with keeping things casual. I have even done with my mom these days. Conjunct even. I either love something or I loathe it. Death, transformation, rebirth? to be honest, the jealousy doesn’t stop, even years later. If he’s already agreed to commit; he’s going to let time do its thing. Always showed his huge teeth …every bit of them…when he smiled his big fake smile. Unlike the Venus in Scorpio woman, who sees sex as something you do with your partner, the Venus in Scorpio … Black and white, baby. I dated a VIS but the positive side never really manifested. He is the same as me, and we are the same as your boyfriend. Scorpio Venus man is a pure artist. ^ Very well explained. Your email address will not be published. … I simply wanted to add this to the conversation, by replying to a fellow Jupiter in Scorpio. He had lots of long, intense (Scorpio) phone calls with his female (Venus) friends (11H) but never crossed the line for fear of losing his “Mommy” (Moon) partner (7H). They may like to partake in sex with many different people regardless of being in a relationship. 5 Ways to Get a Scorpio Man Back Fast. That’s exactly why I snagged the Libra stellium, Sun in the 11th, Uranus-flavored man. Once he realizes he is starting to develop feelings for you, he might put you through a test to find out if you are worth his feelings and his time. They'll conduct a good amount of their own research, asking you questions about yourself, gathering information on you, etc. And Gemini falss in my 4th/5th house. I hate shallowness and can be extreme. Getting enmeshed with them can be … Scorpio Venus likes someone who isn't afraid of commitment, emotions or intensity. VENUS IN SCORPIO. If they don't have an interest in a relationship with you, you can forget about a friendly brunch together after a night at their house. Looks like the Libra stellium was stronger with that guy than his Venus. When you first start dating a Scorpio man, he will keep your relationship on the surface. I know a man with Venus in Pluto and he is in and out of relationships but there is one woman who he is eternally in love with. He wants a transformative experience with his woman. What does that mean? Feminine and Sexual Energy. Was involved with a Venus in Scorpio man. So let's hope you're ready for the answer. He liked his appearances. But Aries is uncomplicated and straight forward vs Scorpio is extremely complicated And secretive. If you notice that a Venus in Scorpio male is giving you the sweet treatment, that means he has already determined that you are perfect for him, and the testing has finished. Like the Mars in Scorpio guy, a man with his Venus sign in Scorpio will be attracted to a woman who has her seductive energy flowing. So much so that a relationship filled with disagreements and stress points is preferred over an easy going relationship that is superficial and detached. My Venus in Scorpio ex from decades ago keeps on coming out of the grave despite being ignored. What a tease. When you feel hurt or rejected, you may come across as withholding and even downright cold—and the loss of a relationship can devastate you more than most. Not everyone who runs deep necessarily would enjoy being with a venus in Scorpio. They don't do it. The beloved whose biggest woe is his/her unawareness of how the strings of their secret admirer’s heart are torn – for the Venus in Scorpio … Mars in Scorpio freaks me out and mars in Aries scares me to death. Jelousy? Men born under this star sign are not only deeply emotional, but they are also known to love deeply. He put too much damn gel in his hair and he was always looking in the mirror to make sure no hairs were out of place. I felt very supported by his depth. I love it! Well that Libra stellium desposited the Venus. If he’s got you in his laser beams, and you’d prefer to get to know him the old fashioned way, it’s easy to do. @Mary: Yes. lol. Yes, obsession can be hell for Plutonic people. Its been tough. Venus Scorpio is soulful but has the totem of a poisonous insect. Sigh. HELL HATH NO FURY LIKE A SCORPIO SCORNED…. And I’m a woman. Venus in Scorpio people want to feel deeply and passionately. it is ironic that the taurus/scorpio axis is so stubborn, and both have super strong will power and that is what it always says, that scorpio loves strong will power, yet, no one is gonna budge; it’s like some kind of torture dance ;_; my venus is in Scorpio and I want my partner to be mine in EVERY aspect, I want to know your whereabouts, whats going on in your head, and I want to take care of you. I just replied, a minute ago, to a comment above, and suddenly, reading this, I feel a need to reply, here. In order for Venus in Scorpio to decide they do want to be with you, they need to know you're trustworthy. Fixed water is deeply emotional and not likely to shift gears easily, so if, for instance, he “feels” jealous of a conversation you are having with another man, your efforts to brush off his fears are not going to work. But there were warning rattles, you just didn’t listen! Yes, what is sad is when they don’t have people to rely on or confide in… they are the truest. @nina bee, the mars in Taurus is considered also a detriment. he truly hates it with a passion. Venus in Scorpio man is a charmer. It means he wants to know that intimacy with him is incredibly meaningful for you, that a relationship with him moves you on a fundamental level, that he has emotionally rocked your world.

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