The Way They Hold Their Cigarette. You should use your common sense before asking. If you’re not sure whether someone is a pothead or not, ask them for a lighter. killacaligreen Says: 0 + Login or Register to vote-Login or Register to vote. This list isn’t to be taken super seriously, but instead, have fun with it. This is their psychic way of asking you to go over there and offer some of your joint. This is because pot is illegal and most police don’t smoke pot. Non smoker Cigarette smoker Stoner. Do you smoke? With possession being up to 40 grams, Spain is a great place for cannabis lovers. I think this will have some interesting responses. It’s one of the first things they remove when they buy it. … A pot-head on a bad day is usually looking grungier than most his/her peers. what do i look for? If you notice someone take their break every day at this time, that’s also a tell-tale sign. THC, a chemical compound in marijuana, decreases inner eye pressure when smoked. There is an underlying smooth, laid back tone in their vernacular. For the most part, you can smoke weed pretty much anywhere as long as you’re not making a scene. Gender: Posts: 70,513 Thanks: 22,404. The chances are that you just found out someone is a stoner. 5.) Reply. 2021 © All rights reserved. At this stage of your stoner career, you should be able to tell the difference between a drunk and a stoned person. How to spot a stoner. Ding! How to use stoner in a sentence. Someone with a rolling paper almost always smokes weed – especially if they pull out a king sized paper. Also, if every time you ask how they are they reply with “tired” or “ready to have an afternoon nap”, then they probably smoked a bowl not all that long ago. Another of the many stoner signs. Stoners are quite eclectic, but they love to talk about music. A lot guys who smoke a lot of marijuana have small man boobs and a slight belly. Umm, the same could be true if they are on opiates – but I’ll trust that you will notice the difference. Sometimes they also have a delayed response, waiting three seconds before giving you an answer. Do they always wear tie-dyed clothing? Comedy. Could this be anymore obvious? Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. We are a group of cannabis enthusiast with the goal of providing the best quality content to our community. Are they playing hacky sack or juggling in the park? But stoners really love super intelligent and trippy movies like Donny Darko, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind and Cloud Atlas. Good stuff. I also notice that stoners hate to have the safety apparatus on the lighter. Perhaps you want to have more buddies around to share weed with you when you’ve run out! Depending on what type of person you are depends on how you dress. . It has almost never failed me. And it’s not just about the redness, is it? The realest way to tell if someone is a stoner is to ask them. 4 14. If you purchase through our links we get a small compensation which we use in order to maintain this website and continue doing what we love. Usually it’s unconscious, but if someone has a lighter, and no cigarettes, odds are they’re a stoner. This usually becomes permanent, the more habitual the marijuana use. Replies (7) 4 14. roadGator USA Fan Member since Feb 2009 114666 posts. Offering your crush greens is a romantic stoner gesture. I’ve decided to have a little fun with this blog. Most stoners carry lighters or at least have one in their car. 4 years ago | 0 view. No Yes Smoke what? For those of us that have a little space but DEF couldn’t leave rugs and pillows out 24/7, this sort of setup is easy to pack up and out after you’re done. The only people who hold cigarettes like that are people who smoke a lot of joints. Everybody knows what the stoner’s rolling paper packet looks like. But if you see someone’s neck snap in your direction as if they just smelled the marijuana gods nearby, you can bet that they smoke weed. Going off tone, a stoner always has his/her lingo. We don’t think we should define what is a stoner or the stoner personality, but we thinks it’s important to say, just as a disclaimer, that you can get some pretty strange reactions if you wander up to a non-smoker asking if they want to share your joint. As someone who casually smokes marijuana I can confirm this. Many stoners have an underlying tone in their speech. Wed, 06/09/2010 - 11:27pm. Once you’ve been doing it for a while then you can spot the signs. 3. Do you smoke? Many stoners have an underlying tone in their speech. How to spot a stoner? I’ve seen many lists around the internet titled “how to tell if someone is a stoner.” These are usually filled with ridiculous stereotypes and antics which refer to pot-culture. They’re letting you spark up their best bud, and they’re encouraging you to do it before they get a chance. There’s always going to be a moment when the stereotype fails, if they satisfy other criteria on the list then this one can be the confirmation. Hail Mary Jane is the perfect example. It’s probably how my mother found out that I smoked weed – aside from all of the other ways that it’s easy to tell. If they are the only person at work who announces that the time is 4:20, I think you have a stoner in your workplace. They always have some intellectual idea that is usually irrelevant. Tone. If the answer is Miley Cirus or Bruno Mars, you probably aren’t talking to a pot head. And as a stoner, you should be very familiar with that. So, if you are one of those searching for a magic formula, we can tell you that these tricks will work better. This allows the blood vessels of the eye to expand and make the eye look bloodshot. I love this one! It’s a pretty safe way to tell that someone is a pothead. Tie dyed clothing, hacky sack, and disc golf are three of my favorite … October 2, 2010 1 Comment. All Stoners were beginners at one point. Back to top. On the other hand, … Jeff Sessions Stars In 'How To Spot A Stoner' Gracekamboj. We just naturally gravitate towards other stoners, the same way that those “right wing” kind gravitate to other right wingers. Stoners are always looking for like minded people because it’s more fun to share than it is to smoke alone. 9.) Be careful that you’re not about to ask a crackhead for his lighter. If you’re a stoner, you know what online stoner culture is like! Usually it’s unconscious, but if someone has a lighter, and no cigarettes, odds are they’re a stoner. Stoners are quite eclectic, but they love to talk about music. So if you’re wandering around looking for someone to smoke some herb with, then you better know how to tell if someone is a stoner. We review products that we find interesting and link directly to the product or brand. I feel I can usually spot a stoner the minute I see one. Always talking about weed and ways that they prefer to smoke it. They might notice you checking them out and they’ll ask you before you ask them! im new in this state and in need of some stoner buddies so how can i spot a stoner? Be gentle and careful when you approach. She’ll just say no if she isn’t. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. It seems more introspective and somber-not that it necessarily is, it just sounds that way. As a recreational marijuana consumer starting a new job, I always have one question on my mind my first week – how many of my co-workers also consume marijuana? Always remember that most people will be more freaked out by you playing detective than simply just asking. I personally think that this is the best way to tell if someone is a pothead. Banned : Join Date: Oct 2007. There are even people that ask the differences between pothead vs stoner… Well, if you’re one of those, there are no differences between stoner and pothead, it’s a different word to designate the same concept. Most people are okay with it as long as they aren’t your boss or a police officer. If you walk past someone who smells like skunk, you can bet that they don’t have skunks living in their house. You can spot a fellow cannabis enthusiast by how they hold their cigarette. If that person is always complaining that they are hungry or craving a piece of cake, you know that you’re probably talking to a pothead! A lot of us claim to have a stoner equivalent of gaydar. . This is another way to tell that someone is a stoner. What is Cannabis Resin & How is it produced. Or maybe you don’t actually smoke and are just nosy, trying to find out if your kids, friends or parents smoke weed. When you can’t find something crucial to your plans to leave the house and be a real person, such as your keys, … You forget everything. Wears lots of tie dyed clothing; plays hacky sack and disc golf. This is just to say / I have eaten the Doritos in the cupboard / That you were probably saving for later / Forgive me. 1.) i smoked a lot of pot in high school, but i always felt like an idiot whenever i was talking about the weed i smoked because i knew some douchebags who acted li Looking into the eyes of a person can tell you a lot – especially whether they smoke weed or not. Naturally, as you begin to smoke more, and hang out with more people who enjoy the same activities, you will begin to learn some Stoner Etiquette. If you get into their car and it’s full of empty bottles of Visine, then they are definitely a stoner. Stoners usually have a wide variety of music you’ve probably never heard of, whatever the genre may be. Are they a white person with dreadlocks? those are ways to spot a novice stoner, not a true to the heart, professional SMOT POKER-- Electric Daisy Carnival: June 12th, 2010 --Login or register to post comments . Coming soon.) You smell like weed!” The last thing you want to do is scare off someone who’s your next potential smoking buddy and make them look for tricks on how to get rid of weed smell. Many stoners have an appreciation for color and art, so they may illustrate this appreciation through fancy t-shirts or flat brims. Our reviews always stay true to our honest opinion and, and we thank our community for the support. Location: PNW. Saw this on r/trees, figured you guys would like it. They’re not very loud or rambunctious. I came up with a list of things I look for. Almost every stoner uses the bottom of the lighter to stubb out joints or to push the smoked bowl down. Watch more Videos .\r\rAttorney General Jeff Sessions has a strong stance on marijuana, while Trumps White House is showing symptoms of having smoked it. But when you find someone doing two or three of them, chances are good that the person is a stoner. 2:16. Login or register to post comments . Joined: Sep 2, 2012 Messages: 5 Likes Received: 10 #1 mangogreen, Sep 3, 2012. It has almost never failed me. Bandanas and tie-dye with fractal patterns are usually a given. Some stoners might be hesitant to hand over the packet for this reason. Yes, there’s chunks of the cardboard missing because they’ve used it to make a roach filter. Non smoker Cigarette smoker This causes things to sag. Mon, 06/14/2010 - 7:58pm. The droopy and slanted eyes are a result of the relaxed, calm … Stoner vibes number nine: stoners often forget, halfway into a conversation, what they said at the beginning of the conversation. For good measure, if there’re scratches on the bottom sides of the lighters,  they’re stoner lighters because you know that they use it as a bottle opener, too. Hail Mary Jane ®. This usually leads to a conversation about weed and usually ends with either “Hey let me get your number, we should smoke later” or “Hey do you want to smoke right now”. In any case, we’ve compiled this list of ways to find out (also known as pothead symptoms, including for example: physical signs of a pothead, stoner eyes or even stoner face) if someone is a pothead! The way a person dresses says a lot about their personality. Trust your instincts! Of course, they love their stoner music too, such as Bob Marley and stoner rap! On the other hand, stoners love bands like Tool and Audioslave. Stoners are pretty good at identifying other stoners. Subscribe! Whether or not they’ll love you for life is a whole other story, but in the meantime: here are some signs that a fellow stoner will put on display to let you know you’ve caught their eye. Stoner eyes are the best indicator someone is a stoner. Ok, this is a little bit of a detective game now. Ask lots of questions. Weed smokers are so chill and nothing ever really phases them. Despite Jeff Sessions promise to crackdown on marijuana, the Attorney General seemed to display some of its side effects during his Senate hearing on .\r\r\r\rSSundee tries to teach his Son and Wife how to play Bed Wars!! It doesn’t account for all people, some kids just like to burn things. No matter what the stoner is wearing, his/her clothes look comfortable. Regardless of how attracted you are to them, you should be aware of potential red flags, such as shows of aggression, allusions to unstable relationships, or addiction problems. Discussion in 'General' started by mangogreen, Sep 3, 2012. (In fact, I think outdoor stoner girl sesh spots deserve it’s own post! Usually, stoners aren’t exasperating with energy. One of the easiest ways to tell if someone is a stoner is to check their music collection. How To Spot a Stoner published May 23, 2018 by Ingrid Rice If the word “bong” comes up even once in their Google search history, the writing is on the wall. As I have no connections here, and don't … Canadian dispensaries are rammed with 20-year-olds squinting up at the menu through droopy pink eyes. If the stoner look isn't enough for you to know if he's a smoking buddy, you can also ask your mystery person what kind of movies they are into or what their favorite movie is. Jeff Sessions Stars In How To Spot A Stoner. Don’t be shy to ask. Your detective work is done! Even if they just reach into their bag or pocket to pick one out for you, try to get a squiz at the packet. Hopefully not a repost.. Do you smoke? Most stoners share the same disliking for the local authorities. It doesn’t account for all people, some kids just like to burn things. Back to top. Medical marijuana isn’t something new, but, how can we use it to improve our lives? Follow. Cigarette smokers were never taught how to smoke weed or hold it unless they are already a joint smoker. How To Spot A Stoner: Jeff Sessions Posted by Ebbandflow on 6/16/17 at 7:11 pm. If your stoner crush only shares junk greens with the rest of the group, but saves the premium greens for you, they are most likely into you. To be honest, I hate stereotyping, but sometimes it’s necessary. Stoner definition is - a person who habitually uses drugs or alcohol. I've just moved and I'm starting a new school this month, I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to spot out the people who smoke. You don’t need to ask your friend’s mom if she smokes weed. If they like a certain way of smoking odds are they have been around the block a couple times. Most stoners carry lighters or at least have one in their car. No Yes Smoke what? If when they go to take a drag they hold it between their thumb and index finger, then they are most assuredly a stoner. There are stoner accessories such as hemp necklaces and bracelets. Libtard post lol Colbert link - did not click. Very low or red eyes that you would be shocked are actually open! And you can almost bet that every stoner has a vendetta against pop music. If you have any other ideas, feel free to comment. Report. There is the extreme hippy version that most people identify with: “Heyyyy mannnnn … Remember that stoners get over stoner-toilet-humor and sometimes like to get really intellectual. If you met them after midnight at 7-11 don’t even bother looking for other symptoms of stoner-dom. Some people has in their minds the “classic stoner with dreads” or the hippie kind when we talk about how to spot a stoner, but it’s not that easy nowadays. ah i went to edc 09. It’s almost a self preservation technique for stoners that we do without even realizing it. That 70’s Show. Stoner’s almost never get something the first time you say it. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This is kind of a generalization, but when one is stoned, his/her muscles are relaxed. This makes weed a great treatment for glaucoma, as it decreases pressure in the retinal nerve. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Pic not me One of the easiest ways to tell if someone is a stoner is to check their music collection. Replies (7) Options Top. ( Log Out /  How to spot a stoner common goal 1. Your stoner senses are very powerful. No Yes Smoke what? If you have something else to add that you think I missed, please do so in the comments! Other universal bodily implications are bags/clouds under their eyes. Don't interrogate your date but you do want to get a good sense of who they are. How to spot: A Stoner. Learn how your comment data is processed. You’ve found yourself a pothead! ( Log Out /  Those people are probably here wanting stoner quizzes to know if they smoke enough weed to become one or questions to ask a stoner to reveal their identity as if it was that easy. This is so freaking true. This one’s easy: you can spot a stoner by their eyes. That is my list, I hope you enjoyed. Colbert. Some people look with a peeved look on their faces. I love sitting in the park and lighting up a joint. Be careful that you’re not just asking someone who smokes cigarettes. Non smoker Cigarette smoker Stoner. So run – run as fast as you can. ( Log Out /  I use stereotypes to find weed in foreign countries sometimes or in cities that I’ve never been to before. If it’s obvious they aren’t drunk but are holding donuts and chips in their hand, then just ask them if they would like to smoke a joint with you. Stoners usually have cool shoes too. And you can almost bet that every stoner has a vendetta against pop music. For babes with covered patios / backyard space, you could set up a permanent stoner spot. How to Spot a Stoner. The odds are the “stoner” cant smell the scent on them, which means they smoke enough to be used to the smell. Browse more videos. They aren’t the stoners that you’re looking for. It’s about those lazy eyelids, those unfocused stares. At a party, the stoner is always standing straight against the wall, with another stoner, I’ve seen it every time and will continue to see it. 10 Ways to Spot a Stoner. 10 Ways To Spot A Stoner. Here are a few of the high signs that you, too, are a proud wearer of the stoner personality badge. Then the laughter starts. They might also forget events that happened a couple of days ago or conversations that you shared in the past. If you have to repeat yourself many times, you’ve found one of your own kind! They are tripping with the fairies and it takes some time to bring them back down to Earth. If you never see them smoke but they have a lighter to give you, you can basically guarantee that they smoke weed. Ah – I need weed for my glaucoma, doctor! If they’re not cool than they’re at least comfortable. Plus, stoners appreciate openness and honesty, so if they are a stoner, you’ll get brownie points for being the one who broke the ice. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > mangogreen Registered User. Don’t be all like – “Hey you! It’s using the psychic abilities that marijuana gave you to be able to scope out other marijuana users. On these days, a huge sense of “I don’t care” is written all over their outfit. Some stoners won’t admit that they loved Half Baked or Pineapple Express because they don’t want to announce to the world that they are a pothead. It’s almost embarrassing to admit that dreadlocks are almost guaranteed. Person comes into a room and it instantly starts to smell like pot. You can see that through their movie collection or through the conversations that they have with you! This guide is designed to show beginners 40 Pro Stoner Tips and Tricks that will help you to enjoy your smoking sessions … 40 Pro Stoner Tips + Tricks: For Beginners (Must Know)Read More » Look out for 420 stickers around their electronic items or on their musical instruments! Despite the fact too that many of these kids who are stoned probably just ate something and most likely haven’t done anything physical that day. This is especially true if they won’t stop turning around to look at you or try to make eye contact with you. If they talk slowly or sound like a “surfer” such as someone saying “Brah” then odds are they smoke weed. But if they don’t have that lingering tobacco smell, then you probably have a stoner nearby. If you find that it’s really hard to piss someone off, chances are that they are placid because they smoke weed. 1. If you ever here people use terms like straight, word, chill, dope or dank in regular speech, chances are they’re a stoner. With awesome events such a Spannabis being hosted here, it’s a beautiful destination spot for traveling stoners! There are many ways to identify a stoner; below are ten things that I look for: 10. Perhaps you’re suspicious of a co-worker and would love to have someone to smoke with on lunch breaks. So run – run as fast as you can. These are usually the guys who have something on them, If you ever mention something about weed around a stoner, they smirk. You know what I’m talking about. This is so freaking true. There is the extreme hippy version that most people identify with: “Heyyyy mannnnn whhaaattss uppp.” There is also the average stoner. The lids droop, or narrow as if the person’s thinking real hard about something. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. If you’re late, it usually just means that they have a few more minutes to sneak in a bowl. Realize that this is in no way a comprehensive list of every … Page 1 of 2: 1: 2 > Share: LinkBack: Thread Tools: Display Modes #1 06-17-2017, 12:13 PM Mikeyy. Look for red or droopy eyes. Many argue that 4/20 is one of the most collectively celebrated “holidays” in the U.S. 1. We can’t write a post about how to tell if someone is a stoner without including this (also useful if you are asking yourself how to know if someone is smoking weed). Change ). Playing next. 31 Signs You're Living With A Stoner. If you sense a “friend” is nearby, it’s probably because they are. If your secret stoner is smoking a cigarette but holding it like a blunt or a joint, you just found yourself a stoner! Top 5 Stoner … When smoking with friends, you know you’re all on a level when you look up and your friends’ eyes have all gone. There are a whole lot of reasons you might want to tell if someone is a pothead. But feel free to ask the cute girl behind the bar. You have found your stoner buddy for the night. re: How To Spot A Stoner: Jeff Sessions Posted by roadGator on 6/16/17 at 7:14 pm to Ebbandflow. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. How to Spot A Pothead Marijuana Tricks & Tips w/ Bogart #7 - … This means your a stoner. Any one of these items by themselves is not enough evidence to conclude that a person is a stoner. I’m here to make my own list. If the answer is Miley Cyrus or Bruno Mars, you probably aren’t talking to a pothead. The two things stoners love the most are food and sleep. ( Log Out /  Even if they’re hyper, there’s still a relaxing, wavy feeling which accompanies it.

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