I have not seen much about scuds attacking adult shrimp however I am willing to bet that a soft shrimp is fair game. Our scuds will feed directly on both plant and animal materials. A scud is a herbivore because it only eats plants. If algae-eating scuds get too hungry, yes, they will eat some plants. We originally collected scuds in the late 1990s from Coleto Creek in south Texas near where Goliad Farms™ is now. What does plants eat from the ocean? The scuds cleaned off algae from Lobelia Cardinals “Dwarf” without harming the leaves. I bought live plants that had scuds aka Gammarus that came in the bag. Scuds are detrivores (scavengers) that graze on decaying plants, algae, fungus, animals, etc. The filter is the small sized sponge filter running with air and I got two of the small stones to keep the water clear. No scuds don't need light. I've had success controlling staghorn algae with Seachem's Excel, but I'd rather not have to use such chemicals all of the time. Scuds are detrivores (scavengers) that graze on decaying plants, algae, fungus, animals, etc. I bought live plants that had scuds aka Gammarus that came in the bag. Apparently, both seahorses and newts (actually, the aquatic larval newts) love scuds. Different species of scuds occur in different aquatic habitats, even deep water, but they are most often found near the bottom substrate, foraging among decaying plants and algae. Member. On the other hand, scuds are almost impossible to get rid of once established. I haven't tested higher amounts so they may be able to tolerate more. Aquaponics and hydroponics growers both use scuds to keep their sumps clean. When we moved to Texas in the early part of this century (2000-2001), we brought along those scuds. Even adult guppies can eat scuds. The scuds had no problem eating the algae off of wood. I was curious about this because these leaves are sofware than those of the Anubias in the above photos. Large bubbles are better than very fine bubbles, which can get under their carapaces and make them float and eventually die. and stems, or rocks, sticks, etc. As for black beard algae, I've found nothing more effective than hydrogen peroxide, but I've never been able to eliminate it entirely and who wants to do treatments every day? Our scuds are nocturnal and usually hide away during daylight. Plenty of baby crawfish, so no issues there. October 12, 2019 by Charles Clapsaddle Leave a Comment. Just a warning-- unlike some species of critter, the scuds do not like to 'fall off' of plants when you take them out of water. In the shrimp tank, they hang out in the midwater level. The hobbyist could take a clean plastic trash can (rinsed a few times to remove manufacturing chemicals such as formaldehyde) and then follow these simple instructions: Raising scuds is an easy, almost labor free way to get your fish to reward you with more vibrant colors, longer lives, and more and healthier fry. Scuds are tiny crustaceans, that are close relatives of crayfish and water fleas. From my perspective this wasn’t a problem. Are there some live plants that they can't resist? Fish are 2 Tetras that are 1" and 1.5", 1 Platy, 1 Red Tail Shark, 1 Betta fish. Who knows? When the water clears, feed them again. Short term they can be kept together very well, the scuds tolerate more extreme ph fluctuation and temperature variance and are more prolific for this reason and will likely outperform the shrimp breeding, so they will crowd the shrimp out eventually. Scuds help keep water healthy for other. I have it in my tanks with cherry shrimp, another tank with guppies and another tank with mosquito fish. My first bit of news is that while scuds will eat BBA, they don't seem to be good at seeking it out. This will keep your aquatic ecosystem from getting overwhelmed by the changes new plants cause. When I have had only scuds and shrimp in a tank I get few to no baby shrimp. We live six miles from Coleto Creek, but I never got around to collecting them again. Never seen them eat plants. A few weeks later, scuds began showing up in vats throughout the greenhouse. Either way, they taste really good with a nice white wine. Anytime the water becomes grayish-cloudy is an indication of a past-due water change. Food/Feeding. No doubt algae has been the reason some have gotten out of the hobby entirely. I understand they eat plants, but is it noticeable/threatening … Thanks for sharing your experiences. And aside from being an excellent food for larger fish, they are also amazing at getting all traces of algae off plants and aquarium decorations (they are not capable of removing algae off glass). PS : Freshwater, obviously. Fish are 2 Tetras that are 1" and 1.5", 1 Platy, 1 Red Tail Shark, 1 Betta fish. Periodic, partial water changes are necessary. Scuds live in many habitats of all different sizes, but are most common in the shallows of cool streams, springs, seeps, lakes, and ponds, as well as the backwaters of large rivers. I even give mine hair algae to munch on. They both disappeared never saw them in the aquarium again. You can throw extra aquarium plant clippings into your amphipod culture as snacks if you like. Without fish to control their numbers, the scuds will eat simply eat the plants. Scuds eat decaying plants, excess fish food, dead fish, fish poop and anything else organic and decaying. I wish I could get the scuds down to a controlled population. no plant issues. I have scuds in three tanks, a 20 community tank, where they buried themselves in the gravel, a three with Cherry shrimp, and a three with dwarf Cajun crawfish. What would they do without duckweed? (meaning unknown species in the genus Hyalella). We hadn’t counted on the myriad species of dragonflies and the voracious appetites of their nymphs. If scud are added to a tank with fish, I think it is likely that the fish will eventually decimate the population unless the scuds find their way into the filter and begin reproducing there or any other place a fish literally can not swim into. To feed the scuds, simply remove 1/2 liter of water from the scud culture (pour it through a net to save the scuds), and put 1/2 liter of the food suspension into the scud culture. Required fields are marked *. Nevertheless, it is wise to maintain a replicate culture in case of a disaster. If so, what kind? So great job and thanks for writing about scuds Mario! Thread Starter; I have some Java Moss and other plants to experiment with and elsewhere I have read they will eat Duckweed but that plant can most certainly take over if given a chance and if they control it and Algae and leave other plants alone, sounds like a win win situation. The only tank of mine that has scuds and fish long term is a no tech 1 gallon fish vase with gravel capped soil that is fully planted and has been up for less than a year with only endler fish: I believe the endlers were unable to eat the largest of the scuds which have reproduced and the endlers are eating the young before they can then reproduce. Under good conditions they can begin mating in less than a month. I know..some people might say I am nuts LOL. Also plenty of snails. As long as you keep your scud culture indoors, you will not need a heater. They … In Santa Fe I used plastic-coated water-cooling pads, but it seems that today’s manufacturers add anti-mildew chemicals that aren’t good for scuds; so, I don’t recommend their use anymore. At the time, our hatchery was in Santa Fe, NM. Identifying the culprit can be difficult, but this is a bit like one of those television detective shows where you have to weigh up all the evidence before you can nail the guilty party. Introduction: Scuds (or side-swimmers) are freshwater invertebrates belonging to the order Amphipoda. Scuds will eat baby shrimp. Keep the water near or above room temperature. Personally, I like them. I had five or so of them living in a small 2 gallon low-tech tank with willow moss from local river. benthic macroinvertebrate by exploring the life cycle, feeding habitats, interesting facts and its role in the food chain. will they eat algae and decaying plant matter first? As I was doing a water change into the small outdoor pond, saw blue scud zipping eveywhere! Small numbers of scuds might find food more readily without having to eat plants. Fortuitously, in December 2008 I visited Dr. Caitlin Gabor at the Texas State University campus on the beautiful San Marcos River in central Texas. Horse quality hay is great, but make sure it isn’t insecticide laden. First, in this blog, I’ll provide general information about scuds, then I’ll discuss how we raise them and suggest ways hobbyists could successfully raise them. I was not aware of the scuds until the population got quite large (I was scratching my head about what was going on with the plants)..I finally figured out what was going on after going in at night with the lights off and a flashlight and looking in the tank...Oh and they also eat the roots of floating plants...I can't treat with anything because of the shrimp... what I have done to get them under control (finally) is put a fairly coarse filter (big enough for the scuds to get through but not the shrimp) on the intake of my external canister filter and then putting a large amount of poly-fill in the canister to catch them, at this point in time I have them pretty well knocked back but still get a few hundred out of the power filter every week...Oh and they also kill snails, my Malaysian trumpet snail population has plummeted as the scuds population has gone up (another head scratcher until I found the scuds).. Place about 5 cm (2 in.) Fair warning. Scuds are scavengers and will eat pretty much anything that snails or shrimp will eat. But as stanleyc is worried about the scuds eating up his plants, I can confirm that H. azteca eat almost ervery kind of plants. Do you sometimes go out in the morning to find pieces of your plants have disappeared overnight? Your email address will not be published. I found 2 blue scuds living in the bottom of a small aquarium I was cycling, they must have come in a bag of small river stones from an aquarium stockist in the UK. I often feed my H. azteca with plants from my other tanks. Alena. Thanks for sharing your experiences with scuds. This crustacean reaches about 1cm (0.4 in.). I got banned from having a large fishtank after starting with two endlers ans finished with seven différent tanks and had to sell about three hundreds of these fish (had differwnt color hybrids) so I told myself I'll try a local biotope. Scuds are shrimp-like crustaceans or amphipods. Scud culture by hobbyists can be almost as easy as what we do. Will the fish keep the scud numbers in check? I used to have them in a 5G tank before a greedy Betta fish ate them all, and I ran a small HOB filter on that tank. At the hatchery, I dumped Dr. Gabor’s scuds Gammarus into a 55-gallon vat, added some hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum), a nice, rootless, floating plant, and forgot about them. My own don't seem to eat much including java moss. Harvest by netting them with a fish net or by picking up the plastic screening and shaking over a bucket.

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