Rabbi Blackman. The opinions and views expressed are solely those of the author or lecturer and … By. Lighting the Chanukah Candles. Divrei Torah and Jewish History. By JLC Sydney. Guided Daf Yomi shiurim with illustrations to assist understanding of the Daf Yomi Daf Yomi Notes A blog by Rafi Miller following the daily daf of the Talmud Bavli. Daf Yomi Notes A blog by Rafi Miller following the daily daf of the Talmud Bavli. When the reason of a decree no longer applies, it needs a gathering of sages to repeal it, but unlike the usual requirement for a repeal, the latter gathering can be smaller than the original gathering. Rav Yosef interprets a verse as giving the men explicit permission to return after the giving of the Torah, even though the original command to abstain expired. The Sephardic custom is to light one set of Chanukah candles per house. Features Switch to Anchor Blog. Notes on Daf Yomi Berachot 32a. Shabbat is a day of rest for our animals as well as us. The tum’ah of avodah zarah. We learn,…, How do we know when a meal has ended? Wednesday February 17, 2021 5 Adar 5781 Today's Daf is Pesachim 88 34 days left until we start Shekalim My Daf Yomi Notes. Tosafot reject this, reading the three days in the verse as not being a condition on the command. He should be a melitz yoshar for his entire family and Klal Yisroel. ", ורב יוסף אמר אף מתקנת רבן יוחנן בן זכאי ואילך ביצה אסורה מ"ט הוי דבר שבמנין וכל דבר שבמנין צריך מנין אחר להתירו. Notes on Daf Yomi Berachot 32a. By Beastman December 1, 2020 December 1, 2020 "You can put lipstick on a pig . יש שהיו רוצין לומר מכאן דאותן חרמות שעושין לזמן עד פסח או עד זמן אחר דכי יגיע הזמן צריך מנין להתיר את החרם אע"פ שעבר הזמן דהא הרי הכא דהקב"ה אסר להם תשמיש בשביל מתן תורה וממילא ידעינן דלאחר שלשה ימים דנתנה תורה דמותרין ואעפ"כ התיר להם ולא היא דהכא אין כאן שום זמן דקרא דהיו נכונים לשלשת ימים וגו' (שמות יט) הזמינו עצמכם לדבר שיהיה לסוף שלשת ימים דאם כתיב היו נכונים שלשת ימים בלא למ"ד של לשלשת ימים הייתי מוכיח שפיר דכי היכי דצריך להתיר תשמיש צריך נמי להתיר החרם ומדלא כתיב הכי שמע מינה גבי תשמיש צריך להתיר משום דכתיב אל תגשו אל אשה וגו' דמשמע עולמית כי היכי דאסר להם קודם מתן תורה שלשת ימים אבל חרמות שמשימין לזמן מכי עבר הזמן ממילא עבר ואין צריך היתר: [ועי' תוספות סנהדרין נט: ד"ה לכל דבר]: The Meiri has an interesting hiddush, cited in Mesivta. I'm typing on my phone, so please excuse the typos and lack of formatting. Rav Yosef counters that the unity of the two days didn't change with Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai, because it was "a matter that was decided by a gathering of Sages, and any matter that is decided by a vote needs another vote to undo it. CONTACT: The Chicago Center 6557 Lincoln Ave Lincolnwood, IL 60712 United States Phone: 773.761.4005 Fax: 773.761.7603 dafdigest@thechicagocenter.org Fortunately, even in the absence of the usual structures of Talmudic learning, I had a lifeline: the Daf Yomi, the daily folio studied by tens of thousands worldwide. This past week your humble blogger was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces. Daf Yomi with Rabbi Elefant. Listen on . Category: Daf Notes. and may his soul find peace in Gan Eden and be bound up in the Bond of Life. Remember just a…, Continuing on my theme of growing up in the '70s, recall the Flinstones Chewable. Daf yomi (pronounced dahf YOH-mee) is an international program to read the entire Babylonian Talmud — the main text of rabbinic Judaism — in seven and a half years at the rate of one page a day. The intense, salty flavor of the caper compliments pastas, salads, fish and martinis so well. The volume from the set I prefer is often taken by someone else, so I sometimes make do with the other set. The Daf Yomi Commission of Agudath Israel of America is the central address for Daf Yomi learning in North America. It promotes and encourages the learning of Daf Yomi through a host of programs. Daf Notes is being dedicated to the neshama of. The blessings are as follows: Borei p'ri ha'eitz…, Americans did not widely brush their teeth until after World War II. Daf Yomi Siyum of Seder Nashim. Divrei Torah and Jewish History. The wording here is that the gathering need to "undo" the original decree, whereas in general, the gathering "annuls" the decree, as stated in Megillah 2a: אין ב"ד יכול לבטל דברי ב"ד חבירו אא"כ גדול ממנו בחכמה ובמנין. . So I was pretty surprised to see the first of several sources that Rav Yosef uses, on tomorrow's daf: ורב יוסף אמר אף מתקנת רבן יוחנן בן זכאי ואילך ביצה אסורה מ"ט הוי דבר שבמנין וכל דבר שבמנין צריך מנין אחר להתירו אמר רב יוסף מנא אמינא לה דכתיב (דברים ה, ל) לך אמור להם שובו לכם לאהליכם ואומר (שמות יט, יג) במשוך היובל המה יעלו בהר (ותניא) כרם רבעי היה עולה לירושלים מהלך יום אחד לכל צד וזו היא תחומה (עלת) מן (הצפון) ועקרבת מן (הדרום) לוד מן המערב וירדן מן המזרח ואמר עולא ואיתימא רבה בר בר חנה א"ר יוחנן מה טעם כדי לעטר שוקי ירושלים בפירות ותניא כרם רבעי היה לו לר' אליעזר במזרח לוד בצד כפר טבי ×‘קש להפקירו לעניים אמרו לו תלמידיו רבי כבר נמנו עליך חבריך והתירוהו מאן חבריך רבן יוחנן בן זכאי טעמא דנמנו הא לא נמנו לא. Message. This question, for the Rabbis of the Talmud, raised religiously significant issues. Tosafot cite an opinion (apparently Rashi) that proves from this that a decree with a built time limit still applies when the time is up, until the decree is formally revoked. A blog by Rafi Miller following the daily daf of the Talmud Bavli. Thanks to him I'm back on this blog for the first time in many months. Rabbi Elefants Daf Yomi shiur has over 3,000 daily listeners, and covers many of the classic commentaries on the Daf, touching on many practical Halacha rulings. Summary of the Daf; Ula originally thought that the plentiful amount of dates should help the people of Babylon to constantly learn Torah. HaRav Raphael Dov ben HaRav Yosef Yechezkel Marcus o"h. May the studying of the Daf Notes be a zechus for his neshamah. Beth Abraham (Bergenfield, NJ) Thursday, April 3, 2014. Subscribe to Podcast Daf Yomi is not the same as slow, in-depth Talmud learning. Daf Yomi (Hebrew: דף יומי‬, Daf Yomi, "page of the day" or "daily folio") is a daily regimen of learning the Oral Torah and its commentaries (also known as the Gemara), in which each of the 2,711 pages of the Babylonian Talmud is covered in sequence. ." Get a clear Daf Yomi shiur online with the Daf Academy. Skip to main content. DAF YOMI SUBSCRIPTION NOTES - Payment will be charged to your iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase - Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period Tomorrow I see my wife again for the first time since my draft. Read More; The Gemara discusses who is included in a person's Korban Pesach without being notified of his or her inclusion. Tuesday, December 25, 2012. Welcome to our Daf Yomi site. Daf Yomi. They prove this from the fact that in the days of the Temple, the second day of Rosh Hashanah would be holy even if witnesses came toward the end of the first day and it became the first of Tishrei. 00:53:40 - Today's shiur is sponsored Anonymously by Kalman of five towns, in honor of my son  Samson (Chaim Shimshon) on his - hebrew birthday / Adar 6!… Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Today's Daf is Pesachim 85 37 days left until we start Shekalim Home (Today's Daf) About Rav Grossman Downloads Mishnayos Chumash Calendar Tapes and CDs Yasher koach Links Join mailing list Help FAQ. . MASECHES BERACHOS. Thanks to the generous time the army gives religious soldiers for davening, I've been able to keep up with the daf, using one of the two sets of Shas in the shul on the base. The information on the notes has been gleaned from a series of publications, (see sources), Shiurim, and from the Talmud itself. All 2,711 pages of the Babylonian Talmud are covered in … We learned previously that there was an order to…, Recall that there are six rabinically approved blessings we can say before we eat, depending on what we are going to eat. Rav Yosef said: How do I know this? Designed as a personal shiur, LiveDaf endeavours to enable individuals from anywhere to join and learn Daf Yomi in a … The blessings are as follows: Borei p'ri ha'eitz… Rav Yosef refers here to when God forbid the men of Israel to sleep with their wives for three days before the giving of the Torah. By JLC Sydney. כל דבר שבמנין צריך מנין אחר להתירו. We are all familiar with this expression. Join Mailing List: Downloads. I didn't say so on this blog, but. Studying the Daf Yomi takes on new meaning when you utilize our clear and concise daily Daf Notes. Rabbi Blackman. CONTACT: The Chicago Center 6557 Lincoln Ave Lincolnwood, IL 60712 United States Phone: 773.761.4005 Fax: 773.761.7603 dafdigest@thechicagocenter.org A daf, or blatt in Yiddish, consists of both sides of the page.Under this regimen, the entire Talmud is completed, one day at a … Maseches Succah. Dressed Up Pigs and the Talmud – Berakhot 43. By Beastman August 13, 2020 August 13, 2020. by Spotify. The entire contents of the Daf arranged into outline form . Daf Yomi (Hebrew: דף יומי Daf Yomi, "page of the day") is a daily regimen of learning Talmud. Just as there are complicated rules as…. Home; Contact Me; Search for: Uncategorized. Return to your tents. From that which is written: "Go tell them: Return to your tents [i.e., your wives]" (Deut. These shiurim were originally recorded on tapes and then encoded to mp3, wma and real audio files. Read More FEATURES. SWITCH TO ANCHOR; PODCASTING TIPS; Sign up Log in. 2) Embrace the forest over the trees. I had no idea that its origins were in today's Daf. by Spotify. 0. I hope you enjoy. My Daf Yomi Notes. "You can put lipstick on a pig . Home; Contact Me; Search for: Uncategorized. I listened to this podcast today. This daily podcast will help you dive into the sea of the Gemara one Daf (page) at a time. The Talmud offers so much depth and wisdom. Message. YUTorah ® Online is made possible by the generosity of Marcos and Adina Katz and is coordinated by Yeshiva University's Center for the Jewish Future.It offers more than 240,000 shiurim via webcast in audio, video and text formats by our Roshei Yeshiva and other YU luminaries. It's as though in this case, the door is unlocked and just needs someone to turn the handle. Today I volunteered to clean the shul for Shabbat. The Mitzvah of Lighting Chanukah CandlesThere is a Mitzvah to light Chanukah candles throughout all eight nights of Chanukah (beginning from next Thursday night). Whether you use our English Commentary (translation) or enjoy reading our Daf Insights, you can learn and review the Daf Yomi in under 20 minutes a day! The rabbi of the base doesn't have much work for me but wants me to be available (or to have it easy) so I've been sitting in shul several hours now until he comes back. Rabbi Yaakov Klass - 9 Shevat 5781 – January 22, 2021. I haven't seen the Meiri inside to see how he gets to this, but it fits both the words and the logic well. Thank you to my wonderful wife waiting for me at home for her help in publishing this post, just an example of all the support I'm blessed to have from her. This past week your humble blogger was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces. This Daf Yomi series is a unique opportunity to study a page of Talmud each day with one of the world’s foremost Jewish scholars. Daf Notes Blog is being graciously sponsored this week l'zecher nishmas Aryah Leib ben Yitzchak zt"l. May the learning of Daf Yomi be a zchus for his neshamah and may his soul find peace in Gan Eden and be bound up in the Bond of Life. Whereas in general, you need someone to unlock the door, using the same key that locked it. Daf Yomi (Hebrew: דף יומי ‎, Daf Yomi, "page of the day" or "daily folio") is a daily regimen of learning the Oral Torah and its commentaries (also known as the Gemara), in which each of the 2,711 pages of the Babylonian Talmud is covered in sequence. Mediterranean cuisine of all sorts (Italian, Greek, Cypriot,etc.) Posted in Daf Yomi Shiurim, Pesachim פסחים | Tagged eved, galus, goat for pesach, king and queen pesach, lamb for pesach, maidservant, pesach for family, pesach mix up, shifcha, slave View Comments | Leave a Reply Recall that there are six rabinically approved blessings we can say before we eat, depending on what we are going to eat. Daf Yomi. The Gemara on today's daf, Beitsa 4b, discusses whether an egg hatched on the first day of Rosh Hashana can be eaten on the second day. We are all familiar with this expression. Founded in 1923, it was originally conceived as a way to make Talmud study accessible to the laity and as a unifying initiative, a way of tying Jews more closely together. The daf is followed by the length of the track. Dressed Up Pigs and the Talmud – Berakhot 43, The End of the Meal and the Talmud – Berakhot 42, Tooth Brushing and the Talmud – Berakhot 40, Flinstones Chewables and the Talmud – Berakhot 38, School Lunch and the Talmud – Berakhot 37, The Theology of Capers and the Talmud – Berakhot 36, Amulets, Beautiful Women and the Talmud – Shabbat 53. Rav and Shmuel consider the two days to be a single period of holiness, and so the egg is forbidden. ." I had no idea that its origins were in today's Daf. Notes on Daf Yomi Shabbos 2a. Listen on. LiveDaf.net is a non-profit Daf Yomi Shiur program dedicated to providing a meaningful learning experience for all participants. Sign in Get started. Today was one of those Daf Yomi coincidence days. He should be a melitz yoshar for his entire family and Klal Yisroel. We have been discussing animals and Shabbat in chapter five. Today's Daf Yomi forbids clapping on Shabbat and Yom Tov. Amazing! In the years of learning Daf Yomi, I have returned to these notes time and again. When you learn Daf Yomi, you are given the chance to see broad themes and patterns that can be harder to notice when studying at a slower pace. We learn,… make generous use of…. 5:26). Share on Facebook. In the article he notes, that Daf Yomi taps into the power of Jewish wisdom. This is not the first time that the daf was eerily confluent with my life. Shabbat 82a–83b discusses the rabbinically instituted tum’ah of avodah zarah. We are privileged to present these insights and chidushim drawn from the English version of the Koren Talmud … The Daf Yomi Study Guide will eventually become a living website where anyone will be able add and share Devrei Torah from their daily Daf Yomi studies to this collection in order for others to use. American soldiers were required to brush their teeth in the armed forces and the practice continued when these…, If you are ever dining with a famous Rabbi and she or he asks you to say the blessing before or after the meal, DON'T DO IT! Speaker: Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman Rabbi Hershel Schachter Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky Rabbi Menachem Penner Rabbi Larry Rothwachs Rabbi Yaakov Glasser ; Date: Jun 2, 2016; Series: Daf Yomi Venue: Cong. Where to listen. Daf Notes Blog is being graciously sponsored this week l'zecher nishmas Aryah Leib ben Yitzchak zt"l. May the learning of Daf Yomi be a zchus for his neshamah and may his soul find peace in Gan Eden and be bound up in the Bond of Life. Notes on Daf Yomi Shabbos 2a. I thought it did a great job of explaining the concept of "holy" in the age of social media. Today’s Daf Yomi reading continues a discussion of “ritual impurity of the deep” which the notes in the Koren Talmud tell us involves … But Rabba says that after Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai changed this law, Rosh Hashanah became two separate days of holiness. Hierarchy of Food and the Talmud. Succah 2 (23:40) Succah 3 (24:02) Succah 4 (16:46) Succah 5 (23:18) Succah 6 (18:56) Succah 7 (21:34) Every morning before school, I would have a bowl of cereal and a Flinstones Chewable -…, Like most kids in the 70's, my mother packed me the same lunch every day for elementary school - a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a small baggie of chips…, I love capers.

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