Our minds are tricky things and can sometimes construct narratives to both confirm our feelings about problems we’re having and obscure the actual truth of what’s actually happened. AMI break watches. Is that the reason why you run into this problem every time with every watch? I understand only silver watches can withstand this behavior. These could be used in concert, but the exact timing depends on a person’s body chemistry. Some people will attribute their watch issues to an unexplained phenomenon when they’ve actually just gotten unlucky by receiving a watch with a bum battery. Some peoples body chemistry can drain watch batterys. The bizarro thing is that I seem to effect electrical appliances as well - these are just a few things I've managed to "blow up" (not just once but multiple times) - blenders, hot … It has nothing to do with the acid in a person's skin. If I do I'll continually shock myself against it. It's kind of freaky. I learned how to make traffic lights turn green faster, using only my mind. As far as piercings are concerned, acidic skin will not erode the jewelry. This is seriously the 7th or 8th watch I've stopped in my lifetime - all within just a few hours on putting the watch on my wrist, too. ah iron makes sense.. although i thought my granny was anemic a lot.. but then again she had so many health probs im probably confusing it with something else. do you have the same problem or know some one that does? Every atom in our body has an electrical field which lies between it and other atoms, and even our sensation of touch has so much to do with the interaction of various electrical fields. The original model of transgenic mice mimicked dominant inherited diseases such as Marfan's syndrome, which result from a single gene that has mutated, leading to a disruption in body chemistry. For example, long-acting Concerta takes up to an hour to kick in; short-acting methylphenidate may begin working within 30 minutes. Keep your body chemistry in balance 1. $10 Credit with Online Order. The main theory floating around for sudden and consistent watch failure places the blame on a person’s personal magnetic field. I can't remember if he said it was the jewels in the watch or what it was exactly. It was great fun, knowing the extent of our untapped mental abilities. We heard footsteps upstairs when we were all downstairs. do you know why? In 1998 I did see a Tai Chi Master at a martial arts tournament in Connecticut who did a demonstration where he drained the power from the batteries of a clock and could stop the clock momentarily on any particular number. I never thought of it before but I have gone through quite a lot of watches in my time. Loading... Watch Queue ... Find out why Close. I usually can "guess" pretty well or guestimate the My electrolytes are normal. “One time I was at the mall in a lot of pain. Remove all; Disconnect; The next video is starting stop. This condition is called uremia. In my older age I've found out I'm exceptionally clumsy or not mindful of what I'm doing. If it’s a watch you really love and you can’t figure out the issue on your own, there are plenty of watch repair shops around the globe which will gladly take a look at your time piece and assess what’s going wrong with it. on time! But, once I realized that I was causing things to go on or off, I began to read about our subconscious energies. It all has the distinct air of science fiction and honestly makes some people feel better when they keep running into broken watch after broken watch. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Your body’s detox systems are unable to deal with the overwhelming amount of acid in your body and pushes it back into your fat tissues, where it clings to cells. The iron reacts magenetically with the components in the watch and cause the problems. Is it your body? i cant estimate time to save my life!! For the past few years, I have been wearing a kinetic watch, which is powered by my arm's movements. Several very strange things happened in that house. Watch your diet. Is this serious? I cant even wear metal frame glasses because the metal erodes, and even painting them with clear nail polish doesnt help. Some of the early withdrawal symptoms will kick in as soon as six hours after your last drink. I can't say whether watches last longer, though, because I don't wear one now. While there is no way to substantiate this with science, people with more spiritual leanings contend that your aura can actually cause problems in the physical realm if your energy is a bit off. I just couldn't wear the pricier ones. time, but to not be able to wear a watch I can't even fathom Don’t skip scheduled dialysis treatments and do a full session to get rid of as much phosphorus as you can. I stopped to watch this man working on a model airplane that had an engine. I actually did a few of the exercises suggested in that book and they worked! 2. maybe it has something to do with your skin. Simply put, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Some people are more prone to infection and/or rejection, though, and sometimes acidic bodies play a part in that. The acute withdrawal stage is the first challenge you’re going to go through. They usually stop running entirely, and cannot be repaired with a battery change. These watches are completely harmless. 1- 2. If you’ve watched your watch tick and then just stop time and time again, some people believe that you could have a disruption with your aura. I returned it and am now using an old wind up Timex I have to see if it's the battery that stops, or the watch itself. High electromagnetic energy levels maybe? Many people see their watches break every day for a variety of reasons, so there’s a possibility you’re conflating normal watch issues with the aforementioned phenomenon because it just feels that way. i dont know if it happens with digital watches but i know the older fashioned ones they wont work.. Further, your metabolism – which relies on proper alkaline levels – has a hard time functioning properly, which stops your body from burning calories . The jeweler told us that it had something to do with my metabolism. well i dont know that there are people with these kinds of problems. As this recent article puts it, there’s no way a human being could survive if their personal electrical fields were strong enough to erase a VHS tape or damage even the smallest of gadgets. The week of Valentine’s Day, it was clear from our body chemistry that we weren’t going to be able to put it off much longer so that weekend, we went shopping and eventually went over to one of his really good friend’s house for a couple’s movie night. I made a person sitting in front of me on a bus turn around and look at me, simply for suggesting, with my mind only, that she turn around and look at me. Essentially the watch is coated in a paint which absorbs light and then re-emits it. Kind of like how some people cannot wear sterling silver without it turning black/tarnishing. You will try all other watches but it will simply stop … Hand Wave: The Mintakans' body chemistry makes it impossible to erase their memories, allowing the rest of the episode to happen. The curious case of the always breaking watches has led many to believe that it’s something to do with the calibration of their personal magnetic fields. If your body had enough magnetic force within it to disrupt a watch, then not only would your insides be frying at this very moment, but you couldn’t be reading this article, because your computer or phone would have stopped working ages ago. I put in a new battery and in about a weeks time it stops again. It has something to do People who have dealt with this over and over posit theories in online forums and on social media, but there hasn’t been one answer that’s come out which has really addressed this problem fully. The people who stop wrist watches have more iron in their blood. There are many causes of kidney failure. I It depends on the problem with the watch. hmm interesting.. i know in the winter i get shocked by everything no matter what.. but not at other times.. its the worst feeling in the world!! Of course it was the hottest summer in recorded history when I decided to stop wearing deodorant for a month. The iron reacts magenetically with the components in the watch and cause the problems. What you said here reminded me of some of the things I've read about it. “When I get emotionally upset or I am in a lot of pain, light bulbs burn out when I walk past them,” she says. Some people have high acidity levels in their skin. yeah well as always you never think of it till its too late then want to slap yourself lol. Every atom in our body has an electrical field which lies between it and other atoms, and even our sensation of touch has so much to do with the interaction of various electrical fields. I have this same problem. 01- 0. Hey moonlit! Are you that friend and have you had a watch stop working on you for seemingly no good reason at all? Can body chemistry stop a watch? Hopefully you will get to the bottom of your mystery. What can happen to watches is the oils cool down and solidify and this can jam up the watch. Someone told me a long time ago it was something to do with my body chemistry. is it something in their system messing up the battery?? A 1998 magazine ad claimed that its test reports would show “the body’s excesses, deficiencies & toxicities and the diseases associated with them.” [2] 3. personally think that it is kind of cool, although annoying At Biotec the scientists are trying to develop a sexually stimulating drug for both men and women. Every time I buy a new watch, with in 3 or 4 days, it stops working. The second type of watch is called a tritium watch. I had it on for less than an hour and it stopped. Dr. Renee Carr, Psy.D, a clinical psychologist, says it's due to the chemicals being released in our brain. This is new to me! They usually stop running entirely, and cannot be repaired with a battery change. Blonde knows what that’s like, but her body pain also is in the element in her experiences. Street lights would go off and come back on right after I passed by and these weren't just overly sensitive lights, no other cars passing them did this. But its not the same as eroding the glasses...but if i leave certain types of earrings in for so long it burns...the ones i have in now are a stainless steel and are doing fine...but i had another piercing that never healed right and now i am wondering if thats why...it would make sense and i wonder why i never thought of it before. Watches stop working all the time due to drained batteries and internal defects, but perhaps this is something a little bit different. In the past, the acidity of the dead adult body, especially the female's egg masses, often resulted in pits and etches in automotive paint and chrome if not quickly removed. These include: 1. I believe there was a spirit living in the house I lived in at this time, too. I own 2 Coach watches and have not had any problems with either one. I have heard of that but don't know the reason why..I suppose it has something to do with their chemistry...stange though. As far as piercings are concerned, acidic skin will not erode the jewelry. My kids used to ask me to please stay away from the TV if they were watching a program they really loved because it would turn off if I walked past it sometimes. You may have even looked up how to fix a watch and been vexed because there seems to be no legitimate fix for what you’re dealing with. If the electrical field theory just can’t be true based on science, then what gives? Lights would go on or off and we could hear the switch being flipped even though no one was near the lightswitch. your lucky you can! The main theory floating around for sudden and consistent watch failure places the blame on a person’s personal magnetic field. The front storm door was ripped off it's hinges on a day when there was no wind and no one saw or heard anything. I even tried wind up watches but they stop too. Anyone else get that feeling or have this problem? When you change body chemistry 👌👌 MFREAL. Copyright © 2020 expertwatchreviewer.com – All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Affiliate Disclosure. What on earth would make me "stop" watches when other people don't? Sometimes they slow before stopping, other times the second hand seems caught at 11 o’clock for a while before the watch expires. Their body chemistry has a nearly neutral 6.5 pH but may become acidic at 4.25 pH if left on the car for a day. The people who stop wrist watches have more iron in their blood. Watch Queue Queue. It's probably the reason we can give shocks or get shocks from static electricity through our fingers. No iPod, no cell phone, no laptop, no portable DVD player, etc. I asked her if she ever heard of watches stopping due to pregnancy and she "oh, yes, and your jewelry may start turning your skin green". Do you mean to say that it affects their health? I can't wear ones with metal bands. does it do the same with like skin piercings? Every time you went in public, you’d cause a massive disruption. Yep, definitely strange things in that house. My body has a strong current which is probably why I'm so good at using pressure points. This is something i would also like to know...i cant even wear digital watches because the batteries drain so fast. Apparently its a very common occurrence. ah heck i cant think of the term but there is a name for that kind of thing where a person can control electricity with their minds or emotions.. a lot of people notice it when they drive by street lights and they all shut off as they pass.. i wonder if that is your prob with watches.. i think it would be a cool but if you didnt know how to control it an annoying gift. something in their bodies stops the battery that works the wrist watch. I couldn't believe it! It felt as if the watch was sucking electromagnetism from my body. For people with more acid in them, the only watch they can use is a pocket watch. living without one! I didnot understand what you tried to ask. I've had cheap ones (Timex) and expensive ones (Bulova) and none lasted longer than the others. Some poltergeist activity is usually found to center around an individual under high emotional stress. It’s one explanation and one that can’t be proven, so definitely take it for what it’s worth. Yes, I've heard of poltergeists. How very interesting! Poke them with a magnet and see what happens. She was recently found deceased in Seattle. Take your binders. Batteries are usually shot within 2 weeks for me. I used to wonder if it was a body chemistry thing. Time and medications have mellowed whatever was causing these things. I break watches. It depends very much on the type of dial that you're considering. Trace Mineral Systems, of Alexandria, Virginia, touted its hair analysis as “the test that helps body chemistry” and marketed it directly to the public. If a watch is not genuine silver it stops working, which causes skin irritation. I have heard that this is possible, but never knew Are you destined to have watches stop working on you for no explainable reason? Lisa Johnson,age 45- went missing after visiting Muckleshoot Bingo /Casino in Auburn. So while it sounds eerie and kinda Marvel Comics romantic that your personal magnetic field is just too strong for a watch to function on your wrist, it just doesn’t line up with what we know about the construct of the human body. well my granny i know was poor her whole life so i doubt she had expensive ones but my cousin may have tried them.. no matter what they never would work!! If I actually wore one of those for any amount of time ( not that I will because it's uncomfortable ) I'm sure it'd mess it up. I can't tell you how many times I've been at a jeweler to repair a watch. When kidneys fail, there is a buildup of fluids and chemical wastes in the body. I use my energy to disrupt my opponents. Your body chemistry is one of the main factors that will make your skin react with your jewelry. Wearing wrist watches stops your cousin? yeah.. i wonder if it affects anything else such as a pacemaker? The problem with this theory is that while we do have personal magnetic fields with interact and repel, they are not strong enough to do damage to a mechanical device. Limit high-phosphorus foods (dairy, processed foods and high- phosphorus drinks). I used to turn things on or off by walking past them or even driving past them if I was in a very emotional state. This is a somewhat common problem, indicating the electronic circuitry may have a … He brought it back for another one and the same thing happened. By far the most common watch that you come across that's glow in the dark is called a phosphorescent watch. People have floated multiple theories about why their wrist watches simply don’t work for very long, and these theories range from the spiritual to simple memory problems. It just might save you both a headache and a trip down the electric field conspiracy theory rabbit hole. The Main Characters Do Everything : Riker and Troi are altered to pass for Mintakans so they can handle the away mission rather than, say, some Vulcans who could pass for Mintakans without surgery. And if you keep running into the same problem with every wrist watch you purchase, it’s possible that you might have to put the questions away and just focus on buying a nice pocket watch. Answer (1 of 5): Same problem here, I just wish my issue was just limited to batteries though. anyone that it actually happened to! When I was married my husband bought me a beautiful watch for our first Christmas together. My watch runs fine when I don’t wear it but as soon as I put it on, it stops. My father has very acidic sweat, therefore more acids in his skin, and has always worn a wrist watch. Kidney failure occurs when the kidneys stop working, or they are working less than 15% of normal. so they can put on a watch that works great and it will stop working quickly after they put it on for no reason where it lasts for a long time on others.

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